Coaching is an interactive process that supports individuals and organisations to find clarity, claim ownership and take action to develop more rapidly and produce better results. We believe in a holistic approach which covers all areas of your life, including business, career, health and relationships.
As a result of coaching you will set better goals, make authentic decisions and more fully use your strengths.
We will listen to the underlying issue, ask questions that bring new perspectives and reflect back, what we see, hear and sense, but we will not tell you what you should be doing and we will not judge your actions or inactions. You keep the control of the direction, the actions and your process.

Life Coaching
You want to develop yourself or change something in your life. You somehow feel stuck in a rut or want to have a new orientation. Some areas in your life seem not to be well balanced or you are unhappy. You have new goals or ideas and want to action on these more quickly and more easily, with the help of coaching.
Personal Development
Situational analysis – where did I come from and where do I want to go?
Develop a strategy with milestones
Values – Beliefs - Needs
Values – clearly defined they are like a checklist of standards, that fulfil your life and make it authentic
Beliefs – rules that help or hinder your life which can be proactively changed
Needs – unmet needs drain energy while fulfilled ones lead to a feeling of wholeness
Fulfilment In All Aspects Of Life
What belongs to a fulfilled life for you?
Which areas are neglected or not fulfilled?
Be self responsible and take on the next steps to define a fuller life
Personal Strengths
Recognize your personal strengths
Find or create the right environment
Better understand your own dynamics
Increase sense of self esteem
Improve Relationships / Friendships / Contacts
Active listening
Character relevant communication
Recognizing and managing expectations
How do I maintain my individuality in a partnership/company?
Life – Balance
Family, Friends
Work, Performance, Engagement
Physical fitness, Health
Purpose, Spirituality
Fun, Relaxation
Career Coaching
You want to have a planned career start or develop an existing one further. You are facing a new orientation, wanted or unwanted. You have big plans and want to proactively prepare for those. You have employees or are hiring these newly, and want to be sure to pick the right candidates. You have been skipped for promotions and want to change this.
New Orientation
Summarizing your abilities and knowledge
Create clarity about wishes, goals and enthusiasm
SWOT analysis
Analysis Of Potential
Strengths and Weakness Analysis
DISC Profile
360° Feedback
Motivation, Enthusiasm
Wishes – Goals - Vision
Intrinsic Motivators
Values - Needs
Recognizing Career Opportunities And Acting On Them
Define the next career step and prepare for it
Be successful and still have a private life
Stress – Relaxation – Regeneration

Leadership Coaching
Are you already in a leadership position or do you want to prepare for the next career step and build or improve your capabilities as a leader? Are you looking for a “sparing partner” outside of your company with whom you can openly and honestly reflect and obtain an “outsiders view”?
Emotional Intelligence
Self awareness – consciously become self aware and understand your impact upon others
Self control – manage your energy, drivers and resources
Self motivation – the ability find or create enthusiasm within yourself
Empathy – the ability to understand the emotions of other people and react appropriately to them
Social competency – the ability to develop contacts and build lasting relationships, as well as maintain your network
Time And Self Management
Setting priorities
Being pro-active instead of re-active
Stress management (instead of burn out)
Effectiveness and efficiency
Team Development
Identifying the individual strengths for the group and highlighting them
Creating understanding, team work, and trust (everyone “singing the same tune”)
Body language – non verbal communication
Proactive listening skills
Clear, direct and character relevant communication
Leading constructive and solution oriented discussions
Mastering difficult discussions professionally
Leader As Coach
Encourage ownership and independence instead of having to direct
The process is as important as the result
Supporting instead of controlling
Reflecting and asking questions instead of criticizing and judging
Encouraging trust and interest instead of competition and mistrust
Personal Leadership Style
Developing and understanding your own leadership style
Being able to adjust your leadership competencies to situations and employees
Understanding the direct and indirect consequences of your leadership style
Expat Coaching
This type of coaching is especially geared towards individuals who either lead an international life or live or work in a multi-cultural environment. It is often combined with Life Coaching, Career Coaching, Business Coaching and Leadership Coaching, however it augments with additional perspectives for unique needs.
Cultural Awareness
Clearly recognize the differences between ones own culture and other cultures
Enhance observational abilities and develop “finger tip” sensing
Behaviour, communication, leading a multi-cultural environment
Moving brings loss of identity, one looses ones surroundings, ones roles, ones relationships and often start at zero again
Who am I in constant change? Each change is like a new chapter in a book, how do I find the plot and write a good story?
How do I define and establish myself in a new, unknown environment?
Mobile Relationships
How do I handle family, partners, friendships?
Network despite mobile lifestyle
Managing proactively instead of being „the fire brigade“
Clearly define and work on expectations and needs
International Career Planning
Strengths and Weakness analysis
Recognize or create possibilities
Building international networks
Expanding your portfolio
Change Management
Staying flexible
Innovative thinking
Going forward strategically
Being open and aware
Excite and leading
Integration / Social Or Professional Network
How do I quickly integrate without loosing my individuality?
Where and how do I create a suitable environment?
From outsider or newcomer to being an active participant in a group or in a team